Dovecotes Community Litter Picks
For more information please call us on 01902 552 780
Macmillan Coffee Morning Cafe @Dovecotes
On Friday 24th September 2021 Dovecotes TMO is joining the nation in Britain's biggest coffee morning raising funds for Macmillan. We will be selling cakes, cookies, samosas and hot drinks from our front entrance. Come and treat yourself.
Dovecotes AGM 06/10/2021 6pm Dovecotes Primary School Hall
As a member of the TMO, attending the Annual General Meeting gives you the opportunity todecide how your estate is managed. Those attending will also receive a presentation of ouraccounts for the financial year ending March 2021.The board will also seek your approval...
Blackpool Illuminations Day Trip
This October we are offering our members a day trip to see Blackpool Illuminations. Tickets are charged at £10 per adult and £5 per child (up to 16 years). The coach will be leaving Dovecotes Tmo at 10.00 am and will return after a tour of the lights on board our...
Dovecotes TMO Annual Report
Our Annual Report details the activities and financial statement of the TMO for the year ending March 2021 Annual-Report-2021-1Download
Dovecotes Gardening Competition 2021
Bossing it when it comes to containers? Secret oasis in your back garden? Enter our gardening competition and be best in show for your chance to win £50
Dovecotes Summer Of Fun 2021
Don't miss out on your chance to join us one our summer trips. With great days out to Southport, Warwick Castle and the West Midlands Safari Park you can be sure to fill your summer with a bit of fun. Contact the TMO to book your place today
Dovecotes TMO Spring 2021 Newsletter
Click to download our spring 2021 newsletter before its delivered to your home. Spring-2021-Newsletter-PDFDownload
Dovecotes TMO Easter Event
Need Insurance, get covered now..
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Vaccine Fraud…
Don't be sucked in by these SCAMs, always be aware.
Don’t fall for the scam…
NHS Vaccine Text Message Scam
Scam: Nhs Vaccine Text MessageStay alert: watch out for a fake text message claiming to be from the NHS claiming you are eligible to apply for the vaccine and will include a link 'to apply'.The link takes you to a fake NHS website and asks you for payment and other...