Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) – The Warmth & Wellbeing Service

Home Energy Advice

If you are worried about paying your energy bills, want to know how to make your home warmer or need advice on accessing financial support, Better Housing Better Health are offering help.

They are a charity working locally to improve residents domestic warmth and wellbeing and improve the energy efficiency of your property.

Better Housing Better Health can help with:

Energy Bill Support
Home Energy Visits
Financial Assistance
Priority Service Register (if you’re of pensionable age, long term medical conditions or live with children under 5 years old)

to find out more click on the link below:

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Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023/24

The City of Wolverhampton Council have released the results of a survey carried out by independent market research company Acuity Research and Practice. The survey focused on how happy you are with the way the City of...

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Stop Loan Sharks Winter Newsletter

Please read the Illegal Money Lending Team Nation Newsletter, Winter Edition. In this issue you can read testimonials from two borrowers who agreed to share their experiences of being in debt to a loan shark. IMLT-Newsletter-WINTER-2023-1Download

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BHM – Tonia Daley – Campbell

Dovecotes TMO are celebrating Black History Month. Today we celebrate one of our future leaders Tonia Daley-Campbell. Tonia is a proud Wolverhampton actress, writer, director, producer, community activist and presenter. As a mother of 4 and a foster carer, she’s not...

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Important info and useful links

To advertise information about activities and services provided to our community please email us with your post to: – Support and useful links Pay your rent Pay your rent, leaseholder service charges and other housing charges  Wolverhampton Be Safe Be Kind  Information on how to keep yourself and others safe during COVID-19. Here you will find information about social distancing, self-isolation and shielding, what to do if you think you might have coronavirus and keeping yourself safe at home.  Benefits Help  If you have any queries about benefits, or if you require some assistance with benefits, please follow the links below.  Click Here for a link to Turn 2 Us’ Benefit Calculator  Click Here to apply for Universal Credit Click Here for information about Managed Payments for Universal Credit Click Here to apply for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reductions Click Here for Wolverhampton Benefit Calculator Click Here for information about DHP and to make a claim Looking for a home on Dovecotes? If you are not yet a member of Homes In The City we recommend that you click here and follow the instructions towards registration. Please note that you will not be able to bid on any Dovecotes properties until your application has been completely processed. Repairs You must report any repairs that are our responsibility immediately. You can do this by contacting us on 01902 552780 or by clicking the link below. Report a Repair Policies Dovecotes TMO have their own policies on Equality and Diversity, Governance and many more in the new Management Agreement with the City of Wolverhampton Council and are available to view on request to the TMO. Computer Room Our new computer room is now open for tenants to use during office opening hours. Tenants can access all housing services, i.e. to pay rent, place bids through Homes in the City and access job clubs. Citizens Advice Citizens Advice Surgeries are held at the Housing Office on the last Friday of every month.